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DFFH Language Services Survey and Feedback
The delivery of culturally responsive and equitable services is a core activity of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. The department's tendered interpreting and translation services are currently consolidated into a whole-of-department approach for better alignment with the organisational structure.
The department's current language services agreement with VITS LanguageLoop ends in 2025. The department will shortly be commencing a procurement for a new language services provider/s.
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Free training for funded organisations on CRIS and CRISSP
The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing is offering free training for funded organisations on the Client Relationship Information System (CRIS) and CRIS for Service Providers (CRISSP).
Victoria's Free Urgent Care Services
When you need urgent healthcare now, but it's not life-threatening, and you can't wait to see your GP, help is available.
Victoria's range of Urgent Care Services offers free help faster. Whether it's day or night, weekday or weekend, you can find the right urgent care you need now.