For non DFFH and DH staff, My Agency is accessed via the eBusiness Portal.
The eBusiness Portal is the secure gateway through which a number of applications are accessed, including My Agency. This page provides information on how to register for eBusiness and manage your account.
Add My Agency Channel to an existing eBusiness account
If you are already a registered eBusiness user, adding My Agency to your account is easy!
Using your current username and password, login to the eBusiness portal and head to the additional application access where you can request access to additional applications.
Need help?
For step-by-step guidance on adding My Agency, see the Add My Agency Channel to an existing eBusiness account.
Change your eBusiness password or profile details
Change your eBusiness password
If you are already a registered eBusiness user and wish to change your password, login to the eBusiness Portal and select the Change Password tab.
Follow the prompts to change your password.
Need help?
For step-by-step guidance on changing your eBusiness password, see the Change your eBusiness password fact sheet.
Change your eBusiness profile details
Profile information that can be changed include your email address, phone number and security question and answer. To change your profile details, login to the eBusiness Portal and select the My Profile tab.
Follow the prompts to update your details.
Need help?
For step-by-step guidance on changing your eBusiness profile details, see the Change your eBusiness profile details fact sheet.
Forgotten eBusiness username or password
If you have forgotten your eBusiness username or password, select request username or reset password request links on the eBusiness Login page.
Need help?
For step-by-step guidance on how to obtain your eBusiness username or reset your password, see the Forgotten eBusiness password or username fact sheet.
Multi-organisation user access
If you require access to more than one organisation, contact the FAC Helpdesk by emailing
My Agency access eligibility
Users can register to access My Agency if they are either a:
- Staff member of an organisation funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Department of Health and/or the Department of Education (including the Adult and Community Further Education Board (ACFE), or
- Member of the board or committee of management of one of the organisations funded by the departments above.
Register for My Agency
To access My Agency, you require an eBusiness username and password. On the eBusiness Portal Login page, select I want to register.
Need help?
For step-by-step guidance on the registration process, see the How to register for My Agency.
If you experience difficulties with the registration process, contact the eBusiness Helpdesk on 1300 799 470. Select option 1, then option 4.
Service Delivery Tracking
SDT supports organisations in managing their progress towards meeting agreed targets, and assists the department to manage its reporting commitments. An online SDT tool is available to make it easy for organisations to account for monthly service delivery against service agreement targets.
Visit the SDT page for more information about SDT, including how to access and use the SDT tool.
What is My Agency?
My Agency is a secure site only accessible to registered users. It provides users with quick and easy access to information specific to their service agreements with the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, the Department of Health, the Department of Education and the Adult and Community Further Education Board (ACFE). My Agency provides:
- organisation specific service agreement information for the current, future and previous financial years
- access to payment schedules, invoices and the progress of service agreement variations
- e-remittance (payment) advices relating to their service agreement, and
- organisation performance reports for funded activities.
How you access My Agency depends on whether you're an employee of DFFH or DH or not.
This page is for users who are not employees of DFFH or DH.
User guides
Instructional guides
- How to complete your Service Agreement Compliance Certification
- Guidelines for the Service Agreement Compliance Certification form
- How to approve a first time agreement in the Service Agreement Module
- Managing contacts in the Service Agreement Module (SAM)
- How to run and export service delivery tracking reports
- How to complete the service delivery tracking acquittal template
- How to view your Service Agreement via My Agency
- My Agency reports fact sheet
- Viewing your remittance advice in the Service Agreement Module (SAM)
Login and eBusiness guides