Funding to support unpaid carers

14 September 2023
The Victorian Government is providing $38 million over 4 years to provide more respite support for more unpaid carers, particularly in regional Victoria. The funding will deliver respite in flexible ways, supporting more unpaid carers to take a break at times and in ways that meet their needs.

Applications are now open for organisations to apply for amounts starting at $30,000 per year, to deliver carer respite until 30 June 2025. Around $9 million is available each year. 

For thousands of Victorian unpaid carers, caring for their loved one with care needs is a 24/7 job. Respite helps give unpaid carers a well-earned break and a chance to recharge or take part in other enriching activities.

Through this funding, the Victorian Government aims to increase the reach and accessibility of respite for carers across the state. It also aims to encourage partnerships and innovation to deliver flexible respite options.

Organisations that support carers in rural and regional areas, and organisations supporting carers from diverse, multicultural and First Nations communities, are encouraged to apply.

Eligible organisations include, (and are not limited to):

  • Carer support organisations
  • Peak bodies
  • Health services
  • Local councils
  • Not for profit organisations supporting diverse and multicultural communities
  • Neighbourhood Houses
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
  • Community organisations.

Applications close 29 September 2023. 

An information session will be held on Monday 18 September 2023.

To find out more and apply please visit is external)