The Menu of Evidence is now live - supporting evidence-informed decision making

17 March 2023
The Menu of Evidence (the Menu) online portal is now live, providing access to evidence for supporting best outcomes for children, young people, families, and carers.

The portal allows users to navigate programs by what matters to them, including the outcomes they are working to achieve, who they work with, and their context.

The Menu is underpinned by a rigorous assessment process and contains evidence behind 45 programs across the areas of child maltreatment and family preservation and reunification. 

It includes essential information for decision making, including information on effectiveness, implementation, and cost, and whether programs have been evaluated with Aboriginal children, young people, families, and carers.  

Ongoing consultation is a key part of implementing the Menu, as such the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing will be hosting two online sessions later this month. These sessions will walk through the website and provide an opportunity for you to share input and feedback. 

To register your interest ahead of the invites being sent, please email the Evidence Strategy team inbox at

To view the Menu of Evidence portal and for more information, visit the Menu of Evidence website.

We encourage you to share this new and important tool with your networks.