Two components of the audits entail conducting a client file review to ensure compliance to care planning and client care and ensuring that the provider has a policy regarding sexuality education to support young people in their care. Organisations are reminded to comply with the below:
- Essential Information Record (EIR):
Community Service Organisation (CSO) will commence recording in the LAC Essential Information Record all important factual pieces of information about the child within two weeks of placement. For example, authority for medical treatment and important identification numbers such as health care cards and Medicare numbers. The Essential Information Record will be kept up to date by the CSO as part of the ongoing information gathering, care planning and review processes undertaken with the care team.
- Care and Placement Plan (C&PP) /15+ Care and Transition Plan (15+CTP):
CSO will develop a LAC Care and Placement Plan (for a child aged under 15 years) OR a LAC 15+ Care and Transition Plan (for a young person aged 15 years or older) in conjunction with the care team as soon as possible and within two weeks of placement.
The Care and Placement Plan (0-14 years) identifies the child’s needs and documents the strategies in place for the day-to-day management of these needs. The 15+ Care and Transition Plan identifies and documents the young person’s needs and strategies for both their day–to -day care and their preparation for adulthood and leaving care.
- Assessment and Progress Records (APR):
APR, which monitors the child’s progress in care, will be completed as soon as possible after placement to inform ongoing care planning. An APR must be completed for every child who has been in care for six months or longer and at least annually thereafter. For children aged less than five years, this record must be completed every six months.
- all residential care providers must have a sexuality education policy to best support young people in out of home care.
Reference of these requirements are found at Program requirements for out-of-home care services - DFFH Service Providers <>.
The C&Q Team are currently completing a full audit program of all residential care funded homes across the state. It is anticipated the team will visit all the homes by December 2025.