SORTLI app updated

15 November 2023
SORTLI ('sort out your life') is a fun, informative and easy-to-navigate, free mobile app which helps young people transition to independence. Developed in collaboration with young people, the app provides information and directions to services that can help. Popular features include things like housing, accessing money and career advice.

The SORTLI App has step-by-step guides for navigating some of life’s big challenges like renting a place live, finding a job, getting a licence, getting into TAFE or university, managing money, understanding legal rights, and mental health support.

The app has some new updates, which young people have been asking for, including new videos:

More videos can be found here, including a short video about the SORTLI app.

The SORTLI app is available from iTunes (iOS) and google play store (android). 

If you already have the app on your phone, you will need to refresh it to receive the updates.