Policy and Funding Guidelines

Information about the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing policy and funding guidelines which detail the parameters that funded organisations are expected to work within.

Health Policy and funding guidelines 2019-20

The guidelines represent the system-wide terms and conditions (for funding, administrative and clinical policy) of funding for government-funded healthcare organisations.

The guidelines reflect the government and department’s role as a system manager and underpin the contracts at an organisational level (Statements of priorities (SOPs) and service agreements). They set out the requirements that funded organisations must comply with as part of their contractual and statutory obligations, outline activity that is required to receive funding, and detail expectations of administrative and clinical conduct.

The guidelines are relevant for all funded organisations, which includes health services, community service organisations and other funded organisations such as Ambulance Victoria.

The guidelines for 2019-20 contain the following:

  1. Policy guide and
  2. Appendices – Funding rules. 

Policy and Funding Guidelines 2019-2020.

Human Services: The Human Services component of the Policy and Funding Guidelines is being replaced with the Service Agreement Requirements document, effective 1 January 2020.


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Further information

If you require further information relating to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing activity descriptions, please email the Service Agreement Policy team at SApolicy@dffh.vic.gov.au

If your query is in relation to the Health Policy and Funding Guidelines, email pfg@dffh.vic.gov.au

For information about the Department of Education and Training service requirements please contact your department team member.